WHY should we idly waste our prime Repeating our oppressions? Come rouse to arms! ’Tis now the time To punish past transgressions. ’Tis said that Kings can do no wrong — Their murderous deeds deny it, And, since from us their power is sprung, We have a right to try it. Now each true patriots song shall be: ‘Welcome Death or Libertie!’
Proud Priests and Bishops well translate And canonise as Martyrs; The guillotine on Peers shall wait; And Knights shall hang in garters. Those Despots long have trode us down, And Judges are their engines: Such wretched minions of a Crown Demand the peoples vengeance! To-day ’tis theirs. To-morrow we Shall don the Cap of Libertie!
The Golden Age we’ll then revive: Each man will be a brother; In harmony we all shall live, And share the earth together; In Virtue train’d, enlighten’d Youth Will love each fellow-creature; And future years shall prove the truth That Man is good by nature: Then let us toast with three times three The reign of Peace and Libertie!
