1. What is your name? Victoria T. 1930 June 21.
2 . When started the 2nd World War, where were you ?
We were in common Moraru in Braila. I was 12, my father spent three , four years into
the war , we were good kids home entered Russians in the country after Germans ' that
started the war in Russia, and then returned and fought in Romania . They stole ships
throwing bombs, hid , crying , we were children , we lived very troubled by that time and
my mother had six children upset . Mother's brothers died in the war and a neighbor so
have been prisoners in Russia but returned to Romania when the war when the Germans
came to our country , we went with our people united to Russia and we beat Russia and
Russians Americans were advised and were back again in Romania , and have united
with us. And after that , they fell under communism. They tormented world , and
Russians , and others. I like to tell kids . Weather was poor on that . That was our life at
that time . Germans were united with Romania and they beat the Russians . Then ,
Americans what they did with the Romans came back again, I left the Germans and we
have united with Russia, Russians told us they care but have not kept either. They came
and caught us , and we struggled onward as they wanted to . Communism until the fifties
or until fifty seven , when we were liberated by the Russians . That we know mother , I
was upset that time bomb . ( How many children were you ? ) Six . I was the greatest . Ani
came after us where we were in the big island of Braila . Came water enters the house ,
went to the chickens, in Dobrogea there was war and in war you ducking bombs and so
we spent our childhood with bombs that.
3. How old were you during one of the 2nd World War?
I was 14 years old.
4 . You have lost relatives or friends during the war?
Yes, I lost a brother of the mother,
I do not remember ever since. I know that my mother's brother died in the war, in 1917
the mother and father died my mother grew up without a father. But we are talking of war
in 1944. Here only the mother's brother died in the war. A nephew was a prisoner of the
Russians, stood up in .... eight years.
Forty-eight gave way and came out of jail. Captured prisoners. Do not give any food.
They eat grass struggling there. Anything else to tell you dear? I was 14 years old.
5. Immediately after the war , what life was like in Romania ?
I was upset from a great drought came up in 1955. In 1946 , 1946 was famine , it was not
there , was destroyed everything in Braila was nothing , no shop , in Braila or Galati ,
nothing, everything was down. Something, clothing, anything. After the war it was very
hard . In the 50s it was better , but still with poverty. In 50 I was born my daughter. Not
found beds , not to the time that was nothing there . Passed as I could. We received three
thousand in cooperative cargo queuing . That was in those days . I worked on the yard. (
How did you manage to have a normal life after the war, in the years 1950/1960 ? ) . After
the war came collectivization , and we took all the wealth we have and then I worked on
collectively. It took us and the earth was hard after the war. We struggle it took all his
wealth . It was hard but after his collective sweetened makes us clots were taking people
homes , drew people from their homes on fields leads them to make their homes . Very
hard it was after the war. Then they went back to their homes , it was life then: very heavy.
And that's the thing . And done from home after the Russians left the country, his life
sweetened Russians because they took everything and they went in their country , they
carry them. In Romania Russians stay there long . Russians have installed here but then
never came . Romania took over . They stood for many years but can not remember . But ,

you say, who knows how it would have been here say they stayed in our country.