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Uno spazio dove conoscere una Mamma, AUTRICE degli ARTICOLI e delle RECENSIONI che troverete su questo blog, appartenente alla generazione dei Millennials di due bambine Cosmopolite, a cui spero di poter dare gli strumenti per realizzare i loro sogni ed essere FELICI! 

Rabbie Burns (a multicultural poet (but truly Scottish)

Rabbie Burns (a multicultural poet (but truly Scottish) Since we were children, we must start from a definition to understand anything. First of all I would clarify to the world that the concept of culture is not something weird or tarnish. In other words, with the word culture, it is not so true that anything goes. I am thinking I feel the urge to specify this thing because I was graduated in Modern Comparative Culture and too many often I found paid people to do any job about culture with their ass! Because I am not paying (yet) I want to describe in this space on the web what is it the culture and how to involve in our reality. The definition of culture is the gathering of the social, politics and economics institutions; all the artistic and scientific activities, the entire group of the spiritual and religious manifestations of the life of a specific society in a historical time. Following this definition, in my opinion when anyone is organising a multicultural event need to start from the environment who host this one: as instead, on January 25 in Scotland they celebrate the birthday of Robert Burns, friendly named Rabbie. If any of you does not anything about him even if you are living in Scotland for years, well, I am not blame of you: it is a real shame because you still are not integrated in the society that give you the opportunity to change your life. How is it useful does not anything about the place in which you are living, maybe celebrating the country in which you were born from distance? Come back there, then! Running just for the money is not a good way to exist in this world. Despite that, I will tell you a short biography about Rabbie. He was born in 1759 in Ayrshire, first of seven siblings. His family was really poor; inspite, he started to write his first lyric at 15 years old for a farm labourer. The title of Rabbie’s work is O Once, I Lov’d A Bonnie Lass. Rabbie in his entire and short life, he died only at 27 years old, he loved three women. The most famous poem of Rabbie is Auld Lang Syne: anyone has sung almost a time during hogmanay, the last day of the year. In 2020, we had the opportunity to celebrate Rabbie’s birthday at Tannahill centre in Paisley. It was described as a multicultural party and there were different kind of food from all the world, music and dance both from Europe and Africa. But it missed the main characters of the celebration: Rabbie and Scotland! I would just thank all the men who accepted to wear the traditional Scottish cloth, the tartan kilt, because it was the only link with Rabbie and the place in which we are gently host, in whom we are building our family! It should be a pleasure wear their traditional clothes and dance all together ceilidh, to the tune of Ae Fond Kiss! The integration of different communities will be better if at the same time we can share the culture of the place in which these are settled and the native ones. It will be a mutual share, not just from a side. It supposed we already know all about our own culture, and it should be more interesting discovering cultural elements of the place in which we decided to live, going out from our comfort zone.

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