Riflessioni di strada

«E se "filo-sofia" non volesse dire "amore della saggezza" ma "saggezza dell'amore", così come "teologia" vuol dire discorso su Dio e non parola di Dio, o come "metrologia" vuol dire scienza delle misure e non misura della scienza? Perché per filosofia questa inversione nella successione delle parole? Perché in Occidente la filosofia si è strutturata come una logica che formalizza il reale, sottraendosi al mondo della vita, per rinchiudersi nelle università dove, tra iniziati si trasmette da maestro a discepolo un sapere che non ha nessun impatto sull'esistenza e sul modo di condurla? Sarà per questo che da Platone, che indica come condotta filosofica "l'esercizio di morte", ad Heidegger, che tanto insiste sull'essere-per-la-morte, i filosofi si sono innamorati più del saper morire che del saper vivere?»
(Umberto Galimberti, La Repubblica, 12 aprile 2008)
Sento oggi che il professor Galimberti propone un servizio civile obbligatorio per tutti i giovani, che insegni loro il valore della comunita',del servizio a essa... La ministra Pinotti ha replicato che ha proposto un servizio civile obbligatorio di 6 mesi al governo.
Da ex partecipante sia al servizio civile nazionale sia europeo, mi sento di dire la mia, seppur da un paese straniero.
Io penso che, anziche' creare ex novo qualcosa, mettendo in campo nuove risorse economiche e non solo, si potrebbe iniziare incentivando e promuovendo le iniziative per i giovani gia' presenti: l'Italia e' in Europa, un'isitituzione che finanzia progetti ambientali, sociali, mediatici per promuovere la coscienza europea oltre che aiutare le comunita' ospitanti in modo pratico e tangibile. Perche' non parlare di questi progetti, intervistare i volontari passati e presenti in televisione e aiutare i comuni a promuovere queste attivita' di fronte ai loro giovani?
Qui di seguito lascio alcune tracce di uno dei risultati prodotti durante il mio progetto di servizio civile europeo in Romania, presso la citta' di Braila, con la speranza che, un giorno, qualcuno si interessi realmente alle idee scaturite da questa e da altre esperienze.
Once upon a time in a leaf forest there was a village in which peace surrounding all the time. There was a very strange village occupied by a lot of different persons: three pigs brothers were most famous in the village because they walked in opposite side. The three dogs were so friendly, but nobody couldn’t understand them: they talked in different language. The family of the goats jumped away in the village accompanied cousins’sheep. In the village live also a really old wolf, who was the council of the all kingdom. The beauty of the village was two mythologic girls who lived in the border of the village: Mermaid Marina and Diana. And finally there was the young prince who taught the throne after his father’s death. The village all was perfectly arranged, even the weather: everyday was a sunny day. All different persons look live together, they shared meals, houses and a lot of funny moments. The people at the village are a perfect organization: they administrated themselves because the prince was too busy with his two loves: the single mermaid with a perfect voice and her artistic attitude and the mythological Diana, that was the most beautiful one and… No, that’s all. The prince was really upset because he tought all day about his accaniment big choice. He talked: “Oh, who should I choose, Mermaid Marina or Diana? Help me!” Being the spectator of this, the wolf started to be jealous, even if the king before his death good counsellor. He started to be first for the power, and he thought by himself: ”It’s impossible! It’s incredible! He must be a prince! I should be a government and the empowerment of the village! I should be the king!I’m the best person for the throne! I do everything for the kingdom! I, not him! These people aren’t grateful, they’re so stupid that can’t recognize who is the real king! Ok, now I’ll show them who I am! Uhm, if I wanna be a king I should do something! Let’s start to make a plan!” The first thing that the old wolf did to get a power was asking the dogs to be the keepers of the village. Impressed by his new power, the dogs accepted the job and they start to be the most violent people in the forest!
The peace in the forest was broken, the life in the village changed, it’s became very difficult, the people start to hide the food because dogs took from them everything. Everybody stayed in their own home because they’re scared to go out. The family of the goats start to stop to talk with the family of the sheeps because they’re afraid to be betrayed. Marina fall in depress and ‘cos of this wheater changed its mood: the sun of the village start to rain all day, the situation at the village was catastrophic, and the prince still didn’t worry about that. He continued to think about his two love stories, until the moment when the wolf declared to the village at him. Once to get married, wanted to found a princess. Since now, I’m your king, so I need to way
For this reason, I’ll proclame a big festival to celebrate my kingdom and find my future queen. Oh my God, whatever I done! The kingdom of my father I destroyed!
They start to organize a protest
Finally, she asked to the comes back and she spent the rest of her life in the sunshine.