When I communicated to the world that I was pregnant, after the congratulations I received many suggestions. One of the most common advice was that I must to sleep when the child was sleeping as well. Well, at the beginning I told myself that I will do it only when the house was totally clean and in order, I was clean and well dress. If not, when the child is sleeping it was in my mind the best moment to be a housekeeper or to read my books and write about them.
I am a mother for one month and I was totally wrong. My home is ordered less than 5 minutes, only when I am alone at home. It’s hard to find time to read and write because my beautiful daughter prefers sleeping in my arms receiving cuddles. I like to give her cuddles, also if I like to write and read because one day, I wish to gain my own money writing novels, articles and essays.
Address to the Deil was a poem written by Robbie Burns when he was 26 years old. This poem is clearly an example of his attack on the Calvinist attitude. The Devil represented here is the folklore and the popular superstition despite the devil that theology used to tell us. There is a frank admiration for the devil who Milton described in Paradise Lost.
Address to the Deil is composed by three different part: an invocation, a description of devil’s activities and the poet’s own view of the devil. The most important feature of that poem is the lack of reverence of the Bible topic, through Burns explained the desire to see the Bible story as a series of human documents. In other words, Burns has planned an imaginary bridge between the Bible and the contemporary life of human beings. Build a bridge will be one of the most common sentences you can heard from my mouth, my dear Maitea. I will use it to tell you about my Romanian experience after my studies, when your grandfather was died. Despite all the people who didn’t believe in me, I am keeping on my heart that ambition: build a bridge to link culture, countries, people. Adam and Eve in the Eden garden were represented as a man and a woman who love each other, without any theological aura around them. The love is the bridge with this year I had link my life with Africa, and the result is a perfect child like you and a beautiful relationship with your father.
Through Burns, I remember the stories who my father used to tell me about his father. My grandfather is died when I was only 3 years old, and it was important listening my father spoke about him. I l have learned through his different stories how is his political point of view, and how is important the ability to smile despite the bitterness of the life.
There is a Nigerian Igbo writer, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, who spoke about the danger of a single story about a person or a thing. Indeed, it is better collecting many stories to really know anything.
“The single story creates stereotypes, and the problem with stereotypes is not that they are untrue, but that they are incomplete. They make one story become the only story.”
Be a mother could be harder if you pretend to be perfect all the time: having a clean house all the time, your clothes always clean and hire, your hair always in order. The reality, instead, is that your principal thought of every single day is the happiness of your daughter. This happiness is valuable through simple and prosaic element, like how many times she has poo and pee. If she is farthing or not.
As my grandfather used to say, “tromba di culo, sanita’ di corpo, se non fosse per il culo sarei gia’ morto”.
All the stories about the family of my father and my mother, as all the stories we can read about the original sin, rounding of the intestine of human beings: if it is healthy, happiness is near to us. When you are happy you are near to realise the great dream of your life. My main goal from this 2018 for the rest of my days in the hearth will be your happiness and the realisation of your dreams.
The last day of this year I am leaving you, my gorgeous sweetheart, the deepest declaration of love.
I will not the perfect mother as sometimes I wish to be, but I will the mother wandering your children if today they already went to the toilet.