13 MARCH 2023

The birthday gift
When Luke woke up that morning, the sun was already shining high in the sky. All around him was silent. And all of a sudden it occurred to him that it was his birthday and he flew down the stairs: his parents were already sitting around the table. In front of his bowl full of steaming chocolate was a large bouquet of wildflowers! Luke sat down with shining eyes and glimpsed among the flowers a note: Happy birthday, your gift is hidden in the garden! Dad and mom's surprise! Luca hurriedly left the table and ran to the front door. He opened it and almost tripped over a soft, warm gray bundle. After a moment of surprise, Luca took the kitten in his arms and overwhelmed with joy ran to his parents, "Thank you, thank you, what an unexpected and wonderful gift! Now that's a real surprise! How did you guess my secret wish?" Luke's parents looked at each other, astonished: they had prepared another gift, a pair of roller skates, and had placed the neatly wrapped package under the apple tree in the garden! The kitten must have taken the initiative himself and crouched in the doorway, waiting for a new master!
If you want to give the sweetest gift to someone special, buy a copy of the first Cosmopolitan Family book, illustrated by CinnaMom! Help a young woman and mother pursue a career as an illustrator!