The workshop I attended on August 18th dealt with a huge subject: the historical stages of women's protests. The speaker from Glasgow...
Come le zebre hanno avuto le loro strisce
Questa storia africana conferma due punti fermi di tutta la mia vita: in primis che e' meglio condividere tutto cio' che ci appartiene,...
La storia del Baobab
Conosci qualche piagnucolone? Non solo i bambini fanno i capricci, molto spesso anche gli adulti si lamentano di gamba sana! Questo...
Il Leopardo e il dio del cielo
Nelle tradizioni popolari della cultura Ashanti il leopardo si chiama Osebo. La cultura Ashanti proviene dal Ghana. La storia che vi...
How Zebras got their stripes
A story from Africa confirm two assumptions in which believed so strong: first, it is better sharing with others despite build a wall;...
The Baobab Tree
Do you know any whinger? Well, not only babies cry, adults are weepers too! This tale is from South Africa and it will explain you the...
The second workshop of the Heritage project Thistle and Dandelions is called “Women’s protest history”. During my studies at the...
The Leopard and the Sky God
Osebo is name of the leopard in the Ashanti folk tale. Ashanti is also known as Asante. He is part of the Akan ethnic group and are...
Anansi and the bag of Wisdom
This is the story of how wisdom came to the world and it starts with a spider... Anansi was king of the spiders. He lived deep in Africa,...
Snail and Giraffe
It was a morning at the end of summer, when everyone was coming back to work. Schools were still closed, so children and teenagers were...