L'amore ai tempi delle sitcom
Guardo sitcom da sempre. Assiemeai libri, sono state le principali fonti da cui ho cercato di imaprare a gestire le mie relazioni di...

The war didn't scare us. It was our "big sister"
Samia and Ali went out in the afternoon, against the rules of their families. The two wee children met some fundamentalists not too much...

We're all children of the same country.
Samia explained in the second chapter to us how is the life during the war for children, for families. She said the war takes away from...

Do you want learn together something more about Somalia?
Two eight years old children playing together. He asked her to be her sister. She replied he has to kiss her. He did it. They are brother...

A casual meeting in library: Don't tell me YOU are afraid
Meetings in life are never dominated by casuality: if you think better, each of them gives you some teaching. Last Saturday I had to go...